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Additional Resources for Caregivers 55+
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Exclusively for You: (Caregivers Age 55+)
- Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Elderly (RIPAE) (401-462-3000)
- This program covers a portion of the costs associated with certain approved medications, helping low-income Rhode Islanders access aff ordable prescription drugs.
- Benefits for Children with Disabilities
- Are you still raising children and are retired? You may be able to receive social security benefits for the children added to your social security benefit. This can be up to half the amount of the primray beneficiary. For example, if you receive a $2000 per month retirement benefit, the child would be eligible for $1000 per month; you would receive $3000 per month total. To learn more about this, click on the link below:
Sign your grandkids up at little to NO COST!
If your grandchild lives with you, the Y has funding to help them participate
in before/after school care, preschool, sports, camp and so many more
Y activities!
The YMCA of Pawtucket, serving the communities of Northern Rhode Island with locations in Pawtucket, Lincoln, Coventry and Woonsocket, is participating in the National Family Caregiver Support Program, which is funded through the Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging.
If you are a grandparent/elder who is a caregiver*, the Y will provide financial assistance through scholarships for the children to participate in YMCA of Pawtucket child care, before and after-school care, as well as membership activities.
We invite you to stop by the welcome desk to learn more! Or click the link below to coonect with a local YMCA today!
RI Elder Info
RI Elder Info is an elderly support resource website for Rhode Islanders.
175 Danielson Pike, #223
North Scituate, RI 02857
Contact Info: 401-585-0509The Village Common of Rhode Island
…aging better together.
The Village Common of Rhode Island (TVC) is a non-profit, volunteer-driven/membership organization that aims to support older adults who wish to age in their home via a network of local villages – communities of mutual support – in Rhode Island.
There are currently villages in Barrington, Edgewood, Providence and Westerly. Volunteers assist members in a many ways, from driving to medical appointments and running errands, to doing household chores and minor repairs, to providing technology support for TVs, phones and computers, to making friendly calls and visits. TVC and its local villages host a variety of social and educational events for our members and volunteers both in person and virtually.
At The Village Common of RI, they believe that a better experience of aging is possible when we support and rely on one another. Every day their members and volunteers come together to provide mutual support and create purposeful and powerful opportunities for what’s next as we grow older.
The Point RI
THE POINT (462-4444 or is a valuable resource that connects you with information and assistance on a variety of services that are available to seniors, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers in Rhode Island.
- Call or visit the Point to talk with a specialist today and get connected to resources in your area – for free. Explore options for healthcare, employment, and more; get help with applying to public and private programs.
- Trained specialists at the Point can answers your questions and help connect you to services and resources. Contact the Point 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
**Habla español and interpreters for 100+ languages are available.**
United Way 211
Find Help Near You
Simply call 211 to speak to someone now, or search by location for online resources and more contact information.
Click below for information on your local 211:
Senior Homes
Find the Best Senior Living Near You
Helping older adults find nurturing environments that enhance their quality of life.
Need help? Call 1-800-748-4024
Retire Guide
Our guides provide comprehensive information about a variety of retirement topics. These resources educate and empower you to reach your retirement goals and much more.
Taking Care of Yourself While Raising Your Grandchildren.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: A Health Guide (
“The Village’s support groups are a lifeline to me and my family. We laugh, cry, talk and share the good, the bad and the ugly. There is no judgement and I comfortable sharing my thoughts and experiences.”