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Family Events
Upcoming Events

Local Events

Please check back…information will be posted soon.

Events for Kinship Caregivers Age 55+

Family Bingo Day hosted by The Village for Kinship Caregivers/Caregivers age 55+…more info to come soon.

Support Groups:

Village Support Groups (Kinship and Peer) provide an opportunity for all Kinship Caregivers to share stories, personal experiences, seek advice, find resources and more.  Experienced facilitators, who are caregivers themselves, will be on-hand to guide the group, provide support and to answer questions in a confidential, non-judgmental space.  Click here for more information about our monthly support groups.

“Having other people in my life that I could count on, who have experienced some of the same things that I have, who understand the emotions behind certain steps in the foster care process is worth more than anything anyone can explain, until you have experienced it first hand.”


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